Bianca & Adrian ~ Wedding video melbourne : Lakeside

Often as wedding videographers we meet couples that really just want to enjoy themselves on their wedding day. Bianca and Adrian did just that. They just wanted to have fun and enjoy their friends, families and their cars, ararararrrrrr!

Adrian cooled his nerves prior to the ceremony with a few shots of Sambuca. I think he knew that it was going to be an emotional day, and boy didn’t the tears flow.  It was beautiful to watch and no one could doubt Adrian’s love for Bianca (and Lamborghinis) . The ceremony was held at the  Croatian Catholic Centre. Travelling to our locations we managed to capture some great footage of Adrian’s Uncles Red GT which has been used as a bridal car for many of his family members.

We travelled to The Lakeside Convention Centre  for their 400+ guest reception dinner and danced the night away with the  Croatian wedding band ‘More’.

We hope you enjoy reliving their day as much as we enjoyed capturing it. Don’t forget to leave a comment below for this wonderful couple

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A Wedding videography melbourne production filmed exclusively with DSLR cameras and Cinematic style vision.